Monday, May 14, 2007

We Are Now Certifiable! :)

We just received our White Glove certification. This includes being certified to haul radmat (radioactive material) and explosives. Look out world, here we come! Now that we are a part of the White Glove division we will be hauling some interesting loads from Museum and art pieces to secret government loads. I will tell about some of them in future blogs. I will be unable to tell about some of the government loads due to National Security.
We are still waiting for our new truck. It will have a refridgerated box a lift gate and many other fancy gadgets. Tim is very excited. It is a 2008 model and is still on the assembly line. Hopefully we will be getting it in about 2 weeks.


Aimee said...

Sweetie I coulda told you that you were certifiable!!!! (Just kiddin') =-)

Anonymous said...

That's awesome! WTG! I'm going to try calling you tomorrow! :)

Betty said...

Glad you got certified. We want pictures of the new truck too!

Mary Ellen said...

I have a feeling this won't bring such joy to your parents hearts - something about that world "explosive" maybe!?!? Congratulations - that is exciting and sounds like you'll soon be riding in style!