It's hard to believe that just over a week ago we were in Hobe Sound, FL. From there we went up to Atlanta where we got a load to Oregon. After spending just a short day and a half with Bob and Amber we got another load to Albany, NY. Whew! We sure are tired!
I couldn't resist posting this hilarious picture of our friend, Zola all dressed up for Halloween! Also, below that is a picture of Rod and Betty's kids in their costumes.
Now for our pictures in Oregon (sorry, no scenic ones this time).
I really enjoyed playing with Joseph. It took a little bit for him to warm up to me, but by the time we were ready to leave (of course) he and I were able to have some fun. Such a photogenic little cutie!
Can't believe how big he's getting!
Mommy and son--just a bit of family resemblance, right?
The Howell family
Tim decided it's time to train a new driver.
He caught on really fast! :o)
He was so pleased with himself wearing Daddy's shoes!
Amber and I always have to have a goofy picture taken.
And, a normal one. (You can tell which is which, right?)