Monday, April 28, 2008

Another Week Has Flown By

My sister, Laurie has done a better job of keeping up with her blog than I have. She has been giving updates on Mom's progress with her treatments as well as our progress in getting her moved into her new home. Whew! We are exhausted! Tim and I are planning to get back on the road today (we need to just so we can catch up on our rest). :o) It has been a long week, but things are looking up. Mom is finally starting to feel better and we have all their things moved over here from the other house. She is planning to slowly unpack and settle in as she has the energy. Hopefully she won't overdo it. It is going to be hard to leave, especially when we don't know when we can get back here. I'm praying the Lord will work it out for us to be here for her next treatment.

Below is a picture of the outside of Mom's new house. It's a lot bigger than it looks...plenty of room for visiters. She is looking forward to doing some entertaining in the near future.

Thanks to all of you that have been praying. We have really seen God's hand in all this. We are trusting in Him for Mom's recovery. She is still apprehensive about all her treatments and about the fact that this is something that will never completely go away. But, she knows Who holds tomorrow and is gaining physical and emotional strength each day. I'm so blessed to have such a wonderful role model. I wish I could be the encouragement to her that she has been to me over the years. I truely treasure each day I have with her! (I know, I'm waxing sentimental) :o)

Monday, April 21, 2008

Just a Quick Update

Today is going to be the most difficult day yet. Mom has to have several more tests done (some of which she is very nervous about). They told us yesterday that she is in stage 3, but we still don't know which specific type of lymphoma it is, so we're trying not to be panicky.
If you know my mom, you know that her natural inclination is to think the worst...she is trying her best to overcome that and think positively, but it's VERY hard for her. Please pray specifically for God to give her some peace in the coming days. It's so hard to see her going through all this!
God IS good! We really appreciate all the support we have been shown from extended family, friends and church members. Thank you!
Mom would really enjoy getting some cards just so she knows people are thinking of her and praying for her. If you know her and have a minute to write her a note it would be wonderful. My sister, Laurie has posted an address on her blog that the cards can be sent to. Her link is under my list of "blogger buddies".

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Long day, and longer night....

I am at the hospital right now. We decided it would be better if Mom wasn't left alone here...she gets a bit too anxious. So, we are taking turns sitting with her. Tonight, it's my turn. It's about 12:45am and she is finally sleeping. I'm not sure how long that will last because they have to come check on her and give her antibiotics periodically.
Mom and Dad were just getting ready to move to a new place just before Mom was put into the hospital. As a matter of fact, Mom had almost everything packed up. The people that lived in the home they are moving to had not gotten all their things moved out, and we were about to give up on them ever doing so. We started praying that something would happen this weekend since Tim and I were here with the truck and Mom really needs the new place to come home to; not only for something to look forward to, but also because it is all on one level, so she won't have to navigate stairs. Well, today it worked out for us to go help the other people to move out. It was LOTS of work!!! Laurie had also planned a spaghetti dinner for today as a fundraiser, and she had advertised so she had to go through with it.
Like I said, it was a very LONG day. But, I'm happy to report...we did get the other people completely moved out and the house will be ready for cleaning first thing Monday morning...Laurie's spaghetti dinner went fairly well...and Mom is resting comfortably for now. :o) For the moment, all is well!
I'm going to post a couple of pictures from the day later (unless I forget) :o)
I think for now I'll just try to get a little sleep before the nurse comes back to give Mom more medicine.
Thanks again for your continued prayers!

Friday, April 18, 2008


It seems like all our lives are spent waiting for something...when we're children we can't wait to become a teenager, then we can't wait to get our driver's license, then we can't wait until we graduate from highschool and go on to college or get out on or own for a career, then we can't wait until we meet that special someone and settle down to married life, then we can't wait until we have children....then, things settle into a groove for a while, but the next thing you can't wait until YOUR children settle down and have little grandchildren for you...see, always waiting to see what will happen next. Sometimes the anticipation is worth it, and sometimes it's not. If you have been reading my sister's blog you know that my mother was just diagnosed with non-Hodgekin's Lymphoma. We are now all waiting for all the test results and the recommended treatment program. I think this is the most difficult waiting time of my life!! One minute I tell myself that the waiting will be the hardest part of all this, then I realize that this is just the beginning...I know there are many of you out there that know what I'm talking about. You've already been through this with a loved one. You know exactly how it feels and most of you know how much we have to rely on God to get us through this time. Please pray for our family...especially for we go through the next few weeks finding out exactly what we're dealing with and learning how to cope with it. Tim and I are driving to PA right now to be with her for the weekend and I can hardly wait to get there!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Home Sweet Home!

It's hard to appreciate all the extra room with mere pictures, but they'll have to do while you all wait for us to come visit you again! :o)

A Queen sized bed

OR a kitchen table

I also have a kitchen sink

And, a nice sized fridge

And cabinets galore to store all of this (plus a few more things)

New Truck!

We have finally been able to move into our new truck. :o) It is soooo roomy compared to the one we just moved out of. Check out the size of the sleeper! I'll post some pics of the inside later today. We are in the process of getting all our things put away and getting some work done on the truck so that it's ready to run!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

She Got Me!

I knew yesterday was April 1st...I don't know why I wasn't expecting something, but I was innocently going about my day when my niece, Michelle, text messaged me. She managed to get me to call a phone number where I heard a recording saying there was an important message for me. The message was "Your Breath Stinks!" To say I was surprised is putting it mildly! :o) Oh well, at least I was able to share the joke with a couple other people. That makes it worth it, right?