Saturday, February 2, 2008

The BEST Mom in the WHOLE world!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!!Today is my mother's birthday. Yup...she's a groundhog. :o) We used to tease her about whether or not she saw her shadow.
I feel so blessed that God put me in this family! My mom is the BEST lasagna-maker (it's not just her kids that say so...other's have proclaimed her fame far and wide). She's also been a wonderful example of Godly living! She has taught me to love God and others. I've never been able to express my feelings in writing (I'm a much better talker!), but I want everyone to know how very much I love and appreciate Mom!
I found this poem and it expresses better than I can how I feel about my mom...

I Learned From You
I learned about love from you,
Watching your caring ways.
I learned about joy from you
In fun-filled yesterdays.
From you I learned forgiving
Of faults both big and small.
I learned what I know about living
From you, as you gave life your all.
The example you set is still with me
I'd never want any other.
I'm thankful for all that you taught me,
And I'm blessed to call you "Mother."
By Joanna Fuchs


Leora Schenck said...

Aahhh.. What a great picture of you and your mom! Happy Birthday!!!

laurie said...

I am not getting the hang of the pictures thing yet. I don't think I even have a picture of mom and I. I have lots of her and the grandkids though and that speaks of her dedication she gives to helping make life easier for each of us. She will do whatever she can to help make our loads lighter and I appreciate that.

AmberDawn said...

Awwww, happy belated birthday to your mom!! (good posting, btw .. I tho't you did pretty good at writing)