Friday, December 7, 2007

West Virginia

We had the opportunity to spend a few hours with Bob and Amber (and of course, baby Joseph). We really enjoyed getting to see them again. It's so nice to have them over on the east coast! :o) Joseph is growing so fast.


Andrea said...

So that's what you have been doing all this time, instead of blogging :)!! HAHA
Glad you got to see them again!

Sandy said...

I am just a little bit jealous! I haven't even got to see that little baby yet, and here he is half grown up! Enjoyed the cute pic's!

AmberDawn said...

who's Gabby Hayes? It was real good to get to see you, too, btw! Come again soon (I need to get rid of these presents!).

Truckin Teeds said...

We've been running a lot lately, so I'm not keeping up with the blog too well. :o) But, at least we get to cram in some visiting between loads.

Glad you like the pics...I hope you get to see him soon.

Gabby Hayes was a comedian that had no teeth :o) I'll have to find his picture and show it to you. Hopefully we'll see you again soon.