Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Our Children

Katrina and Katie Sickler
Some of you are looking at this post and wondering....(especially Andrea)

Since we have no children of our own we have "adopted" nieces and nephews not to mention we have numerous "non-adopted" nieces and nephews. I'm going to be posting some of thier pictures over the next few days. It may not be exciting to you, but I think these kids are cute and it's my blog! :)


Anonymous said...

Hey Sharron,
Sure, no problem, you can "borrow" the girls :)
Katrina talks about you BOTH! When she saw Katie's pic on your blog, she said "MY Katie!" How funny is that! :)
Catch you later!

Truckin Teeds said...

Thanks! We really miss you guys. We are especially sad to be missing all the growing your girls are doing!