Friday, February 2, 2007

Still in Ohio

Tim and I are getting back to our normal selves finally (scarey, huh?) They offered to send us to Kansas City last night, but we were not feeling well enough to try another trip that long, so we're still here in Medina, OH. Hopefully today they will send us a great load offer and we'll be on our way again.
Toodles for now.


Leora Schenck said...

I am SO SORRY you all got sick!!! I know that it's NO FUN!!! I hope this doesn't mean you'll stay away from us longer! Ha Ha :) I hope that you both will be feeling better SOON!!! We are praying for you! Sabryn got sick AGAIN about 3 am this morning. I stayed up after that and scoured the entire house! Hopefully, this will all pass soon!