Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Home Again, Home Again

We finally got the load we've been praying for!! It will take us to St. Louis, MO which is only 5 hours from home. We had committed to helping our church with VBS next week, then we had to trust God to get us home in time. :o) We're excited aobut being home for a WHOLE WEEK! My sister and her family are coming down from PA to help out with VBS as well (and get some visiting in at the same time). This will be their first time in AR.
So, tonight we're in western PA and tomorrow night we'll be in western AR. As a bonus, we'll be meeting up with Tim's parents and Aunt and Uncle in St. Louis for lunch tomorrow. They are all on their way to North Carolina for a family reunion. Isn't it amazing how God works things out sometimes?


Anonymous said...

Sharron and Tim,
So happy that God worked this out for you! and that you get to be home for a week, try to take a night for yourselves!! :)

Aimee said...

Hey Sharron, I so met a relative of Tim's this week at Ochelata youth camp. (cousin, I think) Naturally, I can't remember her name. Maybe Susanna? Anyway, we had a nice chat. Also, we got in some Settlers of Catan with Charles and Leo. The next time you come by, we'll have to play. We LOVE that game!

Travis said...

Sounds fantastic! Have a good time in Fayetteville! I have great memories of walking through Lowe's with you there (actually, that was in Rogers, I think)!

Betty said...

So glad you made it home in time for your vbs. Sorry we couldn't meet you in the middle. Maybe next time. We'll be here in Ohio for another 10 days or so, so give us a yell if you come nearby.